This year i celebrated my Christmas & New Year 2011 with my friends at Hatyai.
There we could see Pink & Red Christmas trees around, but surely no White Christmas trees.
It's quite happening here as we could see lots of the local people dressed up for the celebration especially at the city area. You could see people took photographs with the X'mas trees as to have a vivid memory of the joyful celebration of X'mas.

A never missed thing to do in Hatyai is Shopping!!!
We had a great bargain while shopping & of course the spicy and sour Thai food..
Some nice food we had there...
We have a nice Koay Chiap at the Night Market.

Pork Knuckle, i like it too...this is from a restaurant.

Night time on 30 December 2010, they had special event for New Year 2011.
The road in front of Lee Garden was closed for vehicle.
Could see people partying on the road, having so much fun...

Cool!! Along the way, we were offered to put note on the Welcoming New Year 2011 Board.I put mine there. So does my friend,Meiyi.

Happy New Year 2011...!!
And thanks to Janice & Meiyi for the camera & photos..:)
Happy new year to you my dear friend :)
Oh yea. Hatyai is a nice place to spend New Year 2011. Good choice. Even nicer to drive in from Penang into Hatyai, but my experiences driving home back into Sadao was that the trunk dusty road was jammed with heavy-laden trailers from Bangkok - Singapore journey at Sadao immigration complex into Bukit Kayu Hitam, Kedah. Had to tune my car radio for SW channel 6145kHz - BBC World Service as i cant understand Thai local channels in Thailand.
You should try driving to Betong town in Yala province from Kulim - Baling - Pangkalan Hulu - Betong (Thai), from the map i gave you. Travel only with friends around. Don't go there during Chinese New Year, as all the shop-houses in Betong town will be closed during the season.
Aroi jing jing! Rak mark mark!
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