Looking for German food in Penang? Yes, there’s one in Straits Quay called Weissbräu. The interior design built up with wooden frames and stacks of bricks on the wall gives a classical feels about the restaurant. It’s a good choice for family gatherings or friends gatherings.

Here are the dishes we tried and would like to share with you all.
First came the German Sour Bread has the briny taste which maintain the bread moisture. We may just eat it plain or spread some butter on the bread. I would prefer with some butter on it. A rare taste yet it’s appetizing, or I would say it’s the german taste.
Another dish we had is the Mussel Seaman, boiled in a hot pot with some white wine, garlic, shallots and vegetables. When you bit the mussels in your mouth, you could feel that it’s still succulent. Moreover, adding the white wine in the soup does enrich the taste of the Mussel Seaman. This is Weissbräu specialty.

Next, we would recommend the Emmentaler, which is pork sausage lightly crisped skin filled with emmental cheese.
This comes with 2 side dishes with a few selections; One option will be either with potato salad, garlic mash, Spaetzli or Roesti. Another options for vegetables will be either Buttered vegetables or Sauerkraut. You could choose 2 from the above options. If you wish to additional side orders, rm9 will be charged. We had the Potato salad and the buttered vegetables. The potato salad filled with mayonnaise and some vinegary flavoured gives good combination. I like the this. Besides these two, we had a try on the Garlic Mash(refer to the photo below). It is not machine made, as we could still ate some bits of it.
Before that, you may asked what’s the specialty of using this emmental cheese and not others. Answers is because this emmental cheese it’s an aged cheese and it savoured well with other herbs to produce a mouth-watering pork sausages. The thin skin of the sausage is crispy and the inside has the sour tasteful. Those who like the acerbic taste may try this.
We definitely had a try on the Crispy Pork Knuckle.Majority of us would never missed this dish in any german restaurant. The pork knuckle skin is crispy, just the way i like it. The Roesti was appealing too. Its stir-fried slices of potato is indeed delicious. Another side dish, Sauerkraut, the german way of sour cabbage. The shredded cabbage are lacto-fermented. However, this Sauerkraut is mild sour as to accomodate asian taste buds. The one i have tasted before in Germany were stinging sour where many asian won't like it.
Nice food presentation!Keep it up! A good place for gathering. Strongly recommended.
nice photo and writeup.
how the garlic mash taste like? Is it pair with olive oil? salty or sweet?
looks good! is it expensive?
There is nothing more expensive than the food going into ur stomach..cause it is priceless
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